That's right. It's a list of every unit I currently possess in SDGO. Sadly, I had this lurking around for a while on my hard drive anyway, before the thought of doing a review blog ever crossed my mind... Yes, I'm shamelessly infatuated with this game. I understand.
Bolded units are ones for which I have written reviews. Click their names to take you to the review.
If there's a unit you'd like to see reviewed, please leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do. Bear in mind that if I don't currently possess it, it might take me some time to figure out a means to test it out and put together a review.
S-Ranks: - Neue Ziel (Missile Launcher)
- OO Raiser
- Infinite Justice Gundam
- Legend Gundam
- Destiny Gundam
- Akatsuki Gundam (Oowashi)
- Freedom Gundam
- Providence Gundam
- Justice Gundam
- Susanowo
- Alvatore
- Seravee Gundam
- GN Arms TYPE-D Dynames
- Wing Gundam Zero (EW)
- Altron Gundam (EW)
- Qubeley Awakened
- Zeta Gundam (Awaken Mode)
- Gundam X Divider
- Duel Gundam Assault Shroud
- Saviour Gundam
- Strike Noir Gundam
- Berga Giros (Zabine Chareux Custom / Black Vanguard Spec)
- Buster Gundam (Gun Launcher)
- Palace Athene (LARGE MISSILES)
- Blast Impulse Gundam
- Gundam Exia (Seven Sword)
- Gundam Avalanche Exia
- Gundam Nadleeh
- Gundam Dynames (GN Full Shield)
- Hyaku Shiki (Beam Sabre)
- Brave Common Test Prototype
- Gold Sumo
- Victory Gundam Hexa
- Sword Calamity Gundam
- Sword Impulse Gundam
- Force Impulse Gundam
- Sword Strike
- X Astray
- Gundam Kyrios (Tail Unit)
- Hyaku Shiki (Clay Bazooka)
- Shining Gundam Battle Mode
- Dragon Gundam Super Mode
- Gelgoog (Char Aznable Custom)
- Aile Strike (Mu La Flaga Custom)
- The-O (Beam Saber)
- Dreadnought Gundam
- Chaos Gundam
- Gaia Gundam
- Abyss Gundam
- Baund Doc
- Gundam Exia
- Gundam Dynames
- Gundam Virtue
- Gundam Kyrios
- Mr. Bushido's Ahead
- Gundam Throne Eins
- Gundam Throne Zwei
- Gundam Throne Drei
- Silver Sumo
- Wing Gundam Zero
- Gundam (Magnetic Coating)
- Forbidden Gundam
- Zeta Gundam
- Gundam Rose
- Strike Gundam
- Blitz Gundam
- Gundam X
- Gadessa (Revive Revival Custom)
- Strike Rouge IWSP
- Blu Duel Gundam
- Verde Buster Gundam
- Val-Walo
- Psycho Gundam
- Big-Zam
- Apsalus II
Holy hell I have a lot of A-ranks.
- Apsalus I
- GP-01Fb Zephyranthes Fb
- GN-X (Patrick Colasour Custom)
- CGUE (Rau Le Creuset Custom)
- DINN (Rau Le Creuset Custom)
- Gundam (Hyper Hammer)
- Zaku II (Char Aznable Custom)
- Z'Gok (Char Aznable Custom)
- Zaku II (Dozle Zabi Custom)
- Qubeley Production Type
- Gundam AGE-1 Titus
- Astray Powered Red
- Astray Gold Amatsu
- Astray Blue Second L
- Astray Blue Second L (Lohengrin Launcher)
- Astray Blue Second Revise
- Astray Red Frame Kai
- Astray Gold Amatsu (Rondo Mina Sahaku Custom)
- Astray Red Frame Flight Unit
- Gundam (Casval Rem Deikun Custom)
- Gelgoog (Beam Naginata)
- Jesta
- Astray Gold Amatsu (Incomplete)
- Marasai
- Jiang Wei / Kyou-I Gundam F91
- Sun Ce / Sonsaku Physalis
- Cao Cao / Sousou Gundam
- Zhou Yu / Shuyu Hyaku Shiki
- Kong Ming / Koumei Re-GZ
- Sun Shang Xiang / Sonshoukou Gerbera
- Zaku II (Commander Type)
- Kerberos BuCUE Hound
- Gouf Ignited
- Gundam
- Zeta Plus (C1)
- Windam (Jet Striker Pack)
- Slash ZAKU Phantom
- BuCUE (Twin Railguns)
- GINN (Pardus Missiles)
- Ball (Shark Mouth Type)
- Gunbarrel Dagger
- Zaku II F2 (E.F.S.F)
- M1 Astray (Repair)
- Blaze ZAKU Warrior
- Slash ZAKU Warrior
- Gunner ZAKU Warrior
- Training MS-B
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